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Planning Board Minutes 12/17/07
Planning Board Minutes
Monday December 17, 2007
Minutes recorded by Kathleen Carpenter

7:05 pm - Planning Board Meeting Opens
Those Present:  Members Halper, Adams, Morris, Fletcher, Carrara and  Steere.  Member Borden is not present; Steere is sitting in for Borden.  Peter Hopkins (Greenfield Code Officer).  Member O’Connell arrives at 7:12pm.

7:07 pm - Laurel Allgood Site Plan Review
Ms. Allgood provides application. Carrara briefly goes over the application with her.

7:10 pm - PB Business
Halper reads minutes from December 10, 2007 meeting. The following changes were made:
Page 4 “open items from previous meeting”, #4, “for the 18th” should read “for December 18, 2007.”
Page 4 “open items from previous meeting”, #3, “R-3 (not R3)” should say “R3 (not R-3)”.
Page 5, conditional approval list should have a #5 that states “detention basins for the three lots on Old Bennington Road should be noted on the plat.”

Morris moves to accept the minutes with the above correction.

7:30 pm - Planning Board Business - Mail
Site Plan Review application formally submitted for Laurel Allgood on Francestown Road.
State Approval for subdivision for DALL Investments.
Letter from Keach-Nordstrom regarding Mitchell Open Space Development
Open Space Development (11 lot) application formally submitted by Brooke Leasing and Development Company Inc., Tax Map R9, Lot 43.

7:35 pm - Cilley Minor Sub-Division
Mark Cilley (applicant) and Dennis McKinney are present.

Carrara reads minutes from previous meeting November 26, 2007.  Carrara asks if any member of the public are present.  There are none.  The public hearing is closed at 7:37 pm.

Discussion of test pits, delineation of upland and wetland on both lots, and locus.

Outstanding Issues:
Renumbering of the abutter lots, R-1 should be corrected to show R1.
Upland/wetland indication for Lot 1-2-1 (existing lot)
Locus needs to be revised to show the intersection of Muzzey Hill Road and the Cilley Property; it should show “top of the world” road.
Test pit information for new lot 1-2-1-2.

Steere moves for conditional approval based on completion of the outstanding issues above for Mark and Rhonda Cilley minor subdivision on Muzzey Hill Road, Map R1 Lot 1-2-1. Motion is seconded by Halper. Carrara asks for discussion. Hearing none Carrara calls for a vote. All in favor. The motion passes. Carrara schedules January 14, 2008 at 7:15 pm for final plats and signatures.

7:50 pm - Planning Board Business
Peter Hopkins discusses Junk Yard Ordinance examples from Brookline NH.

8:02 pm - DALL Investments Subdivision Continuation on Coach Road

Mike Ploof (Meridian Land Services), Dan Laguere (property owner) are present.
Carrara reads minutes from previous meeting November 26, 2007. The Board reviews the deficiencies from the last meeting. All have been corrected.

There is no one present from the public.  The public hearing is closed at 8:09 pm.  

Fletcher questions if the recreation easement needs to be provided prior to approval. Ploof does not have the easement written out yet. Halper points out that note 12 refers to the easement. Fletcher agrees that the note is sufficient.

Fletcher moves to approve the subdivision. Morris seconds the motion. Carrara asks for discussion; not hearing any Carrara asks for a vote. All in favor and the motion passes.

8:15 pm - Planning Board Business
Discussion of the Smith subdivision regarding the retention basins on each of the three lots on Old Bennington Road. The basins were accidentally omitted from the list of conditions for approval. Ploof will bring this to Brannon’s attention. Carrara will contact Chad Branon.

8:30 pm - Preliminary Conceptual Consultation on Minor Road
Raymond Shea from Sanford Survey is representing Mr. And Mrs. Minor (property owner).

This is several tracts of land owned by the Minors. A 35 acre parcel with house and barn. A 53 acre parcel with small house and 2 other parcels on west side of Rt. 31. For estate planning purposes they would like to partition the land to provide for their 3 children. This basically subdivides two parcels so that there are a total of three parcels of nearly equal acreage. Minor Road would go through the properties. The Board discusses requirements and generally discusses the plans.

8:40 pm - Planning Board Business - CIP
Halper discusses the CIP, the primary focus, flattening expenditures for vehicles, the new office building, downtown parking issues. Halper thanks the Board for the work in data collection. Each member received a copy of the final draft via email. Halper summarizes changes that were made. Halper asks if the Board has any questions. Steer moves to adopt the CIP for 2008-2017 as presented.  Morris seconds. Carrara asks for discussion, hearing none, Carrara calls for a vote. All are in favor, the motion passes and the CIP is adopted.

Halper will provide copies of the CIP to the BOS and Advisory Budget Committee. An additional copy will be provided to the NH Department of Energy and Planning (RSA 674:9) via Catherine Shaw.

8:50 pm - Planning Board Business
Carrara requests official motion and vote on the Martin C. Smith subdivision.  Fletcher discusses the fire pond or cistern easement that Peter Hopkins mentioned earlier in the meeting. The PB takes on a deeper discussion regarding the creation of a policy that would apply to all future sub divisions. Board feels no motion needed.

9:05 pm - Greenfield Congregational Covenant Church Site Plan Review
Carrara reviews minutes from December 3, 2007. The Board notes that the conditions have all been met. Plats signed.

9:10 pm - Planning Board Business
Discussion regarding January 14, 2008 meeting and January 28, 2008 meeting.  
Carrara discusses the recent Land Use Law Update, Supreme Court Decisions. Halper brings up the suggestion of the creation of a Capital Reserve Fund. The Board discusses what would be required to create the fund.

9:28 pm
Steere motions that meeting be adjourned. O’Connell soundly seconds the motion. All in favor. The meeting is adjourned at 9:30 pm.